《夺命面试》剧情介绍:DEADLIEST JOB INTERVIEW will spotlight eight of the most extreme and perilous professions in the world. Told from the perspective of the rookies, or "greenhorns," DEADLIEST JOB INTERVIEW will follow these tough men and women as they enter the workforce of eight dangerous jobs, as they risk everything to secure a highly challenging - and dangerous - position. This six episode se...。
夺命面试由导演ColinTeague执导,2016年上映的综艺,目前总点击 670次,是由叶德娴,刘德华,秦海璐,秦沛,黄秋生,王馥荔,朱慧敏,江美仪,罗兰,谭炳文,梁天,宫雪花,徐克,洪金宝,于冬,宁浩,杜汶泽等主演。